Learning something new isn’t always fun and new shuttles for May

It isn’t easy starting something new when you know nothing. The learning curve for me has been a bit on the hard side. Although the etsy business has been great and taught me much, oh boy, did I learn that I wasn’t paying any attention to material costs and packaging costs. I’ve spent as much on clay and sanding materials and packaging, as I made on shuttles. Meaning, I wasn’t making any money for my time making these! lol  Who knew!

Well, I had to raise the prices a wee bit. I hope people understand this and the reasons why. Newbie errors I guess.

I’ve spent so many long days and hours making shuttles that my hands are sore with blisters. lol  Sanding never was my favorite thing of course. But there you go. I listed a bunch for the month of May and I hope my hands heal in time to do more later on.

Then there’s the yard work!!!  More blisters!!! And my gardens!  Holy Smokes Batman. Like I didn’t have enough on my plate! I’ve been digging in the dirt, weeding, tilling and planning the planting to come. The weather has been so nasty lately. Lots of rain and cold temps.

But when there’s been a sunny day, the whole neighborhood sounds out cries of mowers and weed whackers. It’s kinda funny.

I need some down time now. Time to read and relax a little bit. I push myself way too hard sometimes. Especially when I find myself caught up in a passion of mine.

My big project, is almost finished. I have designed a scarf that I haven’t had a model to pose for yet. My tatting has gone into a strange land of, keep it simple and see what you can do in that realm.

Now I had to make myself a set of these shuttles, after I posted them. I kinda wished I’d kept em just for me. I ran low on the cane for them though. So mine aren’t as fancy as I posted.

It takes me hours and hours to make up a cane to put on shuttles. That’s where a lot of my time is, besides the sanding and shaping! I can’t of course pay myself a good wage for all the time I spend at this. I’d have to price these so high, it would be unreasonable.

Aren’t they pretty?  Yep, sure wish I kept those myself. lol   Oh well. That is what makes them special for someone else I suppose. 🙂

My health is good. My energy level a bit on the low side. I got a few new books to read over the summer time. One of them is on the subconscious. Which is really a good one. I started it already. Written by Joseph Murphy.

And the Dark Shadows movie, yummie———

ooooooooooo that is going to be so great!  What memories that invokes! I could hardly get through a high school day without waiting to get home to watch Dark Shadows and see what B. Collins was up to next. lol

Guess this is enough gab for awhile. Hope everyone is enjoying all the blessings of good weather somewhere! lol

Posted on April 30, 2012, in Crafts and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Owie, blisters.

    Those shuttles are gorgeous. Day-yum! Real beauties.

    And gardening…oh here we go…you’ll vanish for the summer into that fairy ridden garden(s) like you always do. Next year, as fall begins, I demand that you start making notes and plans for what you’ll be doing in the winter/spring. That way you’ll be that much farther ahead when this time of year hits next year! lol

    And yeah, Dark Shadows + Johnny Depp as Barnabas? Sweet and fun. Loads of memories there, good ones too. I did read that Jonathan Frid died last week. He was 87 or so. What’s kind of neat is that he had time to do a cameo appearance in the filming of the new movie so I think that’s pretty awesome.

    You go, girl. Don’t get tuckered out too much and blisters on top of blisters? Well that sux bad so don’t do that!

  2. Thank you 🙂 That’s so cool about Barnabas! He lived a long life, well, as most vampires will. lol

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